Click on the Apple or Windows (where available) logos to download the correct installer for your operating system. Please find the relevant installer for your purchase below. If you are running Windows 10 or a version of macOS that your AIR Music Technology software is not compatible with, please contact the AIR Music Technology support team at and they will be able to assist you further with this. If you are running Windows 7 or 8 and would like to download the current installers for Ignite or Loom Classic, please contact us HERE and we'll be happy to help. However, we DO NOT recommend Windows 10 users to download and install the AIR Music Technology plugins that are listed below: The majority of the AIR Music Technology product range has since been updated to now be safe for Windows 10 systems, so you can now select the Windows download logos that are available below to obtain your software installers. Due to a major incompatibility issue with various AIR Music Technology software and previous Windows 10 update, we made the decision to remove certain affected products from sale on our website.